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PUB-06/070 Branching Fraction Measurements of B+ -> rho+ gamma, B0 -> rho0 gamma, and B0 -> omega gamma
Doc Type Journal Papers
Record Created November 17, 2006
SLAC-PUB-12258  No citations
Preprint # hep-ex/0612017
Revisions and Files 1 revised November 17, 2006
File Date
File Name File Type File Format File Size (Kb) Comments
05-JAN-2007 babar-pub-06070.pdf Paper (journal paper or conference submission by BABAR Collaboration) pdf 188.01 Final version of the paper published in PRL.
13-APR-2007 Paper (journal paper or conference submission by BABAR Collaboration) ps.gz 193.46 Final paper published by prl - ps.gz format
13-APR-2007 fig1a.eps Figure or plot eps 16.05 Figure 1 a
13-APR-2007 fig1b.eps Figure or plot ps.gz 15.96 Fig 1b
13-APR-2007 fig1c.eps Figure or plot eps 16.95 Figure 1c
13-APR-2007 fig1d.eps Figure or plot eps 17.90 Figure 1d
13-APR-2007 fig1e.eps Figure or plot eps 15.93 Fig 1e
13-APR-2007 fig1f.eps Figure or plot eps 16.08 Fig 1f
Submitted ToPhysical Review Letters
Date SubmittedDecember 11, 2006
Journal Year2007
Journal Volume98
Journal Article/Page Range151802
  • AWG: Radiative Penguins